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Owyhee County Fair Countdown

2012 Fair Theme, Blue Jeans and Country Dreams, 100 yrs of 4H

August 6-11, 2012, Homedale Fair Grounds

Theme: Blue Jeans and Country Dreams, 100 years of 4-H


Workday at Blackstocks!

Hey everyone!! We planned a beef/dairy workday/lunch barbeque this Sunday (the 11th) at Blackstock'sat 8:30 a.m. til ?? Mary said anyone in the club is invited to come out and bring their animals and have a workday there as well!! So, other project leaders if you want to havesomething at the same time, let your kids know and come ahead!! We are going to stop at Mary's and weigh the steers, then head up the road to do workday at Grandmas (end of their lane). Also, all club members are invited to come without animals if they want just for the barbeque. It'll be around 11:00 or so. Mary is providing hotdogs and chips. Each of you need to bring a salad or dessert and your drinks!Call Mary or me if you have questions. I usually have my cell, 250-4917.Hope to see you there!! Sorry for those that this day doesn't work, had to make it work as best as we could all the way around.


Laurie, please forward this to Becky, and Mary, I don't have Shelby's e-mail. If you do, couldyou forward to her? thank you :)

Fair 2010 Registration

It is a requirement that you register for fair this year on line. Please visit the County Website, link on the side bar, to register. Must be done by July 15. Will discuss more at the next club meeting.

Meridian Dairy Days

Way to go Megan Smith and Annie Bass! They did great at Meridian Dairy Days!
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