March Meeting Set
The 2nd meeting of the year was held February 9 at a VERY COLD School house. We worked on judging and covered county stuff. Project Goal sheets were also handed out, you need to set your goals now, so you know what you did at the end of the year. It is never to late to start working on your DEMONSTATIONS. Registration forms are into the county, no word yet on the Boundry Forms. All club memebers need to be working on their raffle items and donations for the club fund raiser which is the Trail Ride Scheduled for April 26. Raffle tickets for sale, each member is ask to sell $25, prizes for top sellers. The Trailride website should be updated with photos from last year. Meeting adjourned and next meeting scheduled for our Pizza party to promote fellowship and nutrition. "our health, for better living" It will be March 20 at the Pizza place in Marsing, more details to follow. Keep up the good work!