Four Leaf Clover Animated Divider from

Owyhee County Fair Countdown

2012 Fair Theme, Blue Jeans and Country Dreams, 100 yrs of 4H

August 6-11, 2012, Homedale Fair Grounds

Theme: Blue Jeans and Country Dreams, 100 years of 4-H


Wilson Butte Sponsors Benefit for Mike Dines, longtime 4-H Supporter!

Woo hooo! Trail ride went well and everyone had fun!!!!!! Not as many people as we hoped for but we ended up with $4000 for Mike! No amblance runs either!.

Had a bunch of fun games planned, but no entry's in the 13 & under games. Which was a bummer as Ginger Loucks club bought the trophy's and participation ribbons. They are going to have a potato feed here for Mike November 7th and we're going to see if we can do some of the games there to give out the trophys?
Obsticles that I thought would bug horse's did not and other things did. Teds horse about lost him at the bridge and he giggled threw the next obsticle, My horse did a U turn when Jody blew the air horn and he thought it was the goat! :)))))) but there was some speedie runs!!! 2:30 ~ 3:00 minutes. Mine how ever was not in that range!
I can hardly wait untill we get everyone's pictures together and do a CD.

It was cool as Mike's daughter, Carrie won the jackpot and Melissa Jayo got 3rd.
Way to go! Calloway trucking, Wilson butte 4-H, Bass auto body & Blackstock Ranch sponcored 2 nice belt buckels for the "cowboy" & "cowgirl" winners.

Thanks to everyone who helped!!!
Deana's regristration mobile, Dave & Teresa's weinie wagon or concession stand. "Rock" solid cashier J.D.s robo ducks :)
Laurie & Jodys 2 timen :) Evon did great with time additions and score keeping. Our station guards, Jody Moos, Angie Gramps, Leslie Jayo, the girlies Jackie, Megan, Kate, Lacey. Parking crew Cory, Perry & Tyler and John our lonely libality attendent.
James Ferdindand was our EMT attendent.

Special Thanks to Richard and Connie Brandau as they gave a VERY LARGE donation towards the event and Mike. They have supported us for a very long time!
If you see James Ferdindand and Jody Moos thank them also. It was a big releaf to have them here!

Everyone was way excited about the event and I bet we'll have way more people next year? Hint, hint?

Raffle items was a bit slim but good for short planning Randy & Sharon Engle donated a cord of wood, cut and delivered, Jerry Benson 10 truck wash outs, Sam Glaiser & Don a silver head stall, Kerri Dines a ton of hay.

Head, Heart, Hands, and Pride! We sat around the fire to warm up afterwords but we had fun. Mary B.