Four Leaf Clover Animated Divider from

Owyhee County Fair Countdown

2012 Fair Theme, Blue Jeans and Country Dreams, 100 yrs of 4H

August 6-11, 2012, Homedale Fair Grounds

Theme: Blue Jeans and Country Dreams, 100 years of 4-H


2009 Officers Elected

Wilson Butte 2009 Club Officers

Left to Right: President/Kate Blackstock, V-Pres/Haley Brisbin,

Tres/Annie Bass, Sgt of Arms/Jackie Phillips

Not Pictured Secretary/ Lacey Usabel

Congratulations to our new officers! Thank you to all who participated in our election.

Upcoming Events

February 12--6:30 Next Club Meeting/Beef Meeting Following
April 26--CLUB TRAIL RIDE--start getting your donations

January Meeting

Club Donates $1000 to Ronald McDonald House

December 23, 2008 President Haley and Sammy and Annie braved the snowy roads to make a large and much needed contribution to the local Ronald McDonald House in Boise. The house provides a place for people who are away from home to stay when their children are in the Hospital. Congratulation to everyone for helping our club raise the funds, so that we can help others. Truely 'Living to Serve'!

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