Four Leaf Clover Animated Divider from

Owyhee County Fair Countdown

2012 Fair Theme, Blue Jeans and Country Dreams, 100 yrs of 4H

August 6-11, 2012, Homedale Fair Grounds

Theme: Blue Jeans and Country Dreams, 100 years of 4-H


Cemetary Clean Up

After the first try to clean up at the Cemetary was rained out, it was rescheduled for May 17. Great Job to all who made it, if you were unable to attend please talk to Mary about an alternate plan, since community service is a club requirement to show at fair.
(thanks to Steph for the photo's and 'who let Tyler have fire?')
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RAIN! Cemetary Clean Up Postponed!

Wonderful Idaho Weather! At least the weather for the trailride was nice, but didn't hold out for the cemetary clean stay tuned...we'll get the clean-up rescheduled and let everyone know...I guess while it's raining you can stay inside and work on your demonstrations...they are just a couple weeks away...Looking for the funniest demo title to post on the website.