Four Leaf Clover Animated Divider from

Owyhee County Fair Countdown

2012 Fair Theme, Blue Jeans and Country Dreams, 100 yrs of 4H

August 6-11, 2012, Homedale Fair Grounds

Theme: Blue Jeans and Country Dreams, 100 years of 4-H


In Like a Lion...out like a Bull with Horns...

Where does the time go? The club met at The Spot in Marsing for our last club meeting. Great Food/Fun and most important Learning... Stories of Halter breaking steers for the next day's weigh ins circlulated the room...still waiting to see how everyone did and need a photo or two for it! Preparations are being made for the 7th Annual Trail Ride...Hard to believe it's been 7 years! Thank You Blackstock Ranch! Swine kids should be getting your piggies, and Horse kido's make sure you got your Horse ID forms to Angie, they are due 4/5. See you all at the next meeting, keep getting those raffle items and spreading the word about the trail ride!